Friday, September 23, 2011

A brief lesson in zen or lack thereof

So I had been planning on posting about something else today, but I thought I would give you a taste of the glitz and glamour of my graduate student life so far.

In order to pay for tuition at AUB, you need to be enrolled in classes. As a new student, enrollment started on Wednesday. It takes the AUB system two days to process the fact that you are enrolled and issue a statement of fees, hence you cannot pay for tuition until Friday (today) at the earliest, and it will most probably take until Monday for your payment to be processed. In order to get my student ID, I need to have a statement saying I have paid for my tuition. Said student ID is needed for various purposes such as getting around on campus and opening the front door of your dorm. From the above timeline, getting my student ID isn't possible until Monday. Move-in day on campus is today (Friday) only, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. I have managed to be let in, but was told off for not having my ID* and told that I can't technically leave the dorm with a guarantee that I will be able to come back in unless someone is at the door to let me in and reprimand me again. And this is going to be the status quo until Monday which, in case I haven't mentioned it already, is the earliest day I can get my ID.

I am sparing you the details of my visa-obtaining process, but it is akin to the above, except ten times more frustrating.


*This, of course, happening as I am under the rain without an umbrella carrying three suitcases on my own because of the "boys not allowed, not even to carry big things" dorm policy.

1 comment:

  1. I can already tell that I am going to be addicted to your blog! Love it!
